Level: Intro (Novice) & Taster (Intermediate). 

Although by no means a doddle, our combined Intro/Tasters are great for those looking to start trail running or improve their confidence off-road. It’s relaxed and easy going with a mix of walking hills, jogging and running over a distance of anything up to 10km. Everyone will be guided along a well planned route, enjoying the social group atmosphere and same fantastic scenery. In order to keep the group together, enjoying each others company, we plan a number of shortcuts to utilise if needed. If you opt for an Intro/Taster and find it easy, you must be happy to accommodate any slower runners and to go no faster than the lead guide. 

Fitness requirement: It's important you are an active runner, in good health and keen to embrace running off-road within an accommodating group. If you'd like more info on our Intro/Taster fitness requirement, please give us a quick call - we're happy to chat.